Are You Ready for Next Phase of New Brexit Rules 2022?

Brexit Rules 2022

The United Kingdom exiting Europe, which is referred to as Brexit, could mean several important changes that should be noted. Brexit is characterized by planned phased changes to the importing of goods. These include border checks and custom declarations. For any businesses that export or import goods to and/or from Europe, it’s imperative to obtain a comprehensive understanding of how this new system works so that businesses can function smoothly.

Applicability of the new phase of Brexit rules 2022

The changes that have been introduced to customs control and UK import through Brexit will be effective from January 1, 2022. However, the implementation of these planned phased changes has been postponed or delayed for goods from Ireland.

It is crucial to note that the new phase of Brexit-related changes will be applicable to the EU Member States for UK imports. Not only that, but these changes will also be effective for any goods transported to Ireland from European countries via Great Britain via distribution hubs or transits.

The fundamental changes brought upon by Brexit 2022

Let’s take a look at the main changes that will be effective in the new phase of Brexit in 2022. The changes have been delineated as follows:

  • New import requirements for inbound goods from EU member states

From January 1, 2022, new import requirements will be applicable for all inbound goods from EU member states. This means that UK import declarations regarding goods being imported into the UK from EU member states (other than Ireland) cannot be delayed. The import declaration must be submitted before the goods are sent from any European country. In most cases, especially when Roll-On Roll-Off ferry services are being used for moving goods, the GVMS (Goods Vehicle Movement System) must be used.

Consequently, these new custom declarations rules are applicable to Irish importers if they are moving goods across the land bridge because the goods are being moved between Ireland and other European states via Great Britain.

  • Safety and security data (EXS) for export declarations

From January 1, 2022, it is mandatory for export declarations to include EXS data (safety and security data). This means that goods that are leaving the UK require EXS data. EXS declarations have been required since October 2021 for any empty vehicle that is leaving the UK. This particular requirement will not be changed. However, it is important to note that exports of goods by ferry have to use GVMS (Goods Vehicle Movement System) from January 1, 2022, before departing the products from the UK to Europe, including Ireland.

  • UK authorities must be pre-notified about the entry of agri-food products

Apart from the aforementioned necessary customs formalities, from January 1, 2022, it is also mandatory for exporters UK importers about the entry of all agri-food products (exporting from all EU member states apart from Ireland)

Apart from the aforementioned necessary customs formalities, from January 1, 2022, UK authorities have to be notified about the entry of all agri-food products (exporting from all EU member states apart from Ireland) by UK importers. The UK authorities have to be notified before these agri-food products enter Great Britain.

  • Product exports requiring veterinary health certificates have to pass a post for designated border control in the UK

Products exports for goods such as meat, dairy products, and live animals, need veterinary health certificates. From January 1, 2022, such product exports to the United Kingdom have to also pass a designated border control post in the United Kingdom. This rule is also applicable to vegetable agricultural products that are high risk such as perennials and trees.

  • Designated border control post for goods that need a phytosanitary certificate

Apart from goods requiring a veterinary health certificate, from March 1, 2022, products that are low risk and require a phytosanitary certificate (plants, flowers, vegetables, and fruits) need to also cross a designated border control post in the United Kingdom.

  • Rules of Origin

Another fundamental aspect of the trading requirements is the Rules of Origin. The United Kingdom’s trading agreement with Europe is referred to as the TCA (Trade and Cooperation Agreement). The country of origin for the goods that are traded between Europe and the UK is determined by the Rules of Origin. It is now mandatory to prove that the goods that are being exported or imported meet the requirements of the Rules of Origin for using preferential tariffs.

When will these new Brexit rules apply to Ireland?

As mentioned already, the aforementioned rules and requirements have just been postponed for Ireland. It is important to note that Irish businesses that are exporting goods to the United Kingdom should continue preparing for adjusting to the new import and customs controls in 2022. However, the exact timing of the implementation of these new requirements for Ireland is not yet known.

To prepare, hauliers can continue to apply for the Great Britain EORI (Economic Operator Registration & Identification) number as well as register for the GVMS (Goods Vehicle Movement System).